Unfortunately, many people do not check their credit reports on a regular basis. As such, they may discover errors on their file when applying for a mortgage or loan, subsequently impacting their approval. If you find that Experian mixed your file with another’s, it can cause significant disruptions. As such, you must take the necessary steps to remedy this situation. Keep reading to learn what you can do to regain control of your information and how a Los Angeles, California inaccurate account information disputes lawyer can help you.
How Can I Tell if Experian Mixed My File?
Unfortunately, errors on credit reports are not uncommon. However, when your file is mixed with another’s, it can cause significant disruptions. In some instances, something as simple as sharing a last name or incorrectly inputting a social security number can lead to your information mixing with another person’s.
The following are common signs that your information has been mixed with someone else’s:
- The name on your credit file is incorrect, which can include a misspelling of your name or swapping your first and middle name.
- Your social security number is off by a few digits.
- The address associated with your report is incorrect.
- There are loans you have never taken out reported on your account.
Unfortunately, those with common last names like Smith, Garcia, or Jones may find they are more susceptible to mixed credit reports as there are many that share the same surnames. As such, credit reporting errors can be common.
What Steps Can I Take to Correct This Information?
If you discover the information on your credit report is incorrect, you may assume you are the victim of identity theft. One way to ensure this information is the result of a mixed file is to contact the original creditor. If the information relates to you, it likely means someone stole your information to open the account. However, if it belongs to another person, it is likely a mixed file.
If you find that the information is because of a mixed file, you can take steps to remedy the situation. Requesting a change to these details to accurately reflect your financial information is similar to filing any other inaccurate information dispute. You’ll need to obtain a copy of your report, highlight the incorrect information, and provide documentation that helps dispute the inclusion of the information on your account. You can use this information to create a dispute letter, which clearly explains which details you are arguing and the evidence to help support your claim.
How Can a Los Angeles Attorney Help Me?
When you discover the information on your credit report is incorrect, it’s imperative to contact an experienced credit reporting lawyer. Unfortunately, this mix-up can cause significant disruptions, like being denied loans, housing, or jobs. As such, a lawyer can help you get the information corrected and explore whether or not you can pursue compensation for any damages you’ve endured because of the credit reporting agency’s error.
If you’re enduring issues with your credit report, Los Angeles Legal Solutions is ready to assist. Our team can help you navigate the legal complexities that encompass these errors. Contact us today to discuss your case with a member of our team.